The Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) is a practical exam used to test a candidate’s physical ability to perform job tasks related to firefighting.  CPAT is a physically demanding test that requires a candidate to use his or her physical, mental abilities and, in some cases, balance.  The CPAT involves eight events that must be completed in 10 minutes 20 seconds.  The CPAT process is used in the selection of firefighters in participating fire agencies throughout the State of Connecticut.

The State of Connecticut has NOT  YET posted the details of their Spring 2019 schedule on their website. But we have it on good authority that the folllowing information is accurate.

Registration opens 01/10/2019

Registration Closes 03/09/2019


$175 for in state , $200 for out of state

Important Dates:

  • 3/28/2019     Orientation 1     
  • 4/11/2019      Orientation 2     
  • 4/25/2019     Practice test 1    
  • 5/11/2019      Practice test 2    
  • 5/31/2019      CPAT                   

The system is set up that if you pass on a practice test you are done. If the candidates does not pass at the first test date, they will be “mentored” and invited to the next assigned date.

100 candidates are sceheduled per day, but they can reasonably accommodate 1400 candidates. So, additional days will added as needed.