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AT 1543 the Stamford 911 Dispatch center received reports of a water main break in the vicinity of Hollow Oak Lane and Bel Aire Dr. First arriving fire units reported a large volume of water coming from the area of a front yard on Hollow Oak Ln., where construction was taking place. Water was observed and cascading downhill thru the yards of adjoining properties on Bel Aire Dr. and spilling out onto High Ridge Rd.

Aquarion was notified along with gas and electric utility companies. Firefighters began checking homes, and found homes receiving various amounts of water damage from the break. Where necesarry, due to flooding conditions, untilities were shut down.

The occupants of atleast 2 homes were being assisted by the Red Cross with relocation due to the volume of water entering their homes.

Aquarion remains on scene, working to repair the damaged water main.

Incident Details (if applicable):

Incident Number: 22-11186
Incident Location: 3 Hollow Oak Lane.
Incident Date: 2022-11-21 15:43:00.0


Deputy Chief Tom Gloersen
(203) 977-5600


Water Main Break Damages Several Homes, Some Families Displaced.

Posted: November 21, 2022
About the Author: Tom Gloersen
View Count: 1,329
Categories: Media Releases